At the bottom of many reviews, we display a price comparison from a number of retailers. 

This information is provided regularly to our website through a data feed service. 

To get added to this service so that your goods appear to our audience, you need to do the following.

  1. Register with an organisation like Awin and work with them to provide a regular data feed of your stock and prices. 
  2. Let us know once you are set-up on their platform so that we can sign-up to your data feed. 
  3. A company called Datafeedr will also need to sign-up to your data feed. Contact us once you have approved them. 
  4. We'll then configure our website to pull in your products and prices to the price comparison.


  • Make sure your you name your products with the brand's official name, otherwise the Price Search will fail to find your products.
  • Make sure you keep your prices up to date in your datafeed. You will lose trust with shoppers if you advertise one price but then get a more expensive price when they visit your website.